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Vinnola Vox: Rest Sweet Nymphs

  • Huygens' Hofwijck
Geplaatst onder
Klassiek Zang
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From Renaissance through early Baroque, in our concert we will perform pieces by Monteverdi, Sances, Rossi, Kaspberger, Dowland, Morley, Greaves and Pilkington. Travel with us to Italy and England and experience the exciting array of emotions of love.

Giovanni Girolamo Kapsberger
Laschivette pastorelle

Giovanni Felice Sances
Mi fai peccato
Psalite domino

Claudio Monteverdi
Pulchra es
O come sei gentile
Zefiro torna
Pur ti miro

Salomone Rossi
Non e questo il ben moi
Giacio e foco nell’amata

Yesusum Midbar Vetsia

John Dowland
Come again sweet love doth now invite

Thomas Greaves
Come away, sweet love

Thomas Morley
Sing we and chant it
April is in my mistress’ face

Francis Pilkington
Rest sweet nymphs
